SAS Children’s Centre
Since 2013, the SAS Children’s Centre has been providing a loving, nurturing home for children of Limuru, Kenya who are orphaned or in need of a safe haven. The children the Centre serves are the poorest of the poor—many of them AIDS orphans or victims of abuse. We provide these children with a safe home, food, healthcare, education, and counseling. The Children’s Centre is currently home to 30 preschool and primary school-age children and 15 children who board at secondary school and return during school breaks and holidays. We also have 3 students who now attend college.
Capital improvements—such as building maintenance, farm animals, van purchase—as well as secondary school and university costs are covered by Save A Soul U.S. Monthly expenses for food, clothing, petrol, and staff salaries are covered through the generosity of our sister organization, Save A Soul Austria. The Children’s Centre has been helping provide some support through sales of products from its small farm, including milk, eggs, bread, and greenhouse crops.
“Our holistic approach provides our children with academics, physical education, spiritual nourishment, and talent enhancement.”
—Emily Wanjiku Mwangi, Director, SAS Children’s Centre
A Typical Day
The Children’s Center is a warm and lively place. A typical day starts early, with most of the children up by 6 am. There are chores to do before school, washing up and dressing in school uniforms, and then the children gather for morning prayers and breakfast. By 7:30, the SAS van begins the first of the two trips it will make to deliver the children to St. Clement Educational Center, a local primary school where the children spend the day.
They return by about 5 pm for tea time and a snack of milk, fruit, and bread. Children and staff members gather in a cafeteria-like great room to hash over the day and spend the next few hours reading and completing homework with the assistance of staff members. Older children help with meal preparation and additional chores. By 7:30 pm, dinner is served, often rice, bread, and vegetables with a bit of meat. Once the meal is cleared, there is an hour or so of free time or TV watching, and then off to bed.
Meet Our Staff
Our talented staff in Limuru identifies vulnerable children, many of whom have suffered traumatic life experiences, and provides a loving and nurturing home. By offering a balanced diet, clean environment, medical care, time for recreation, emotional support and spiritual guidance, the SAS staff seeks to raise the children to be their best selves and stars in their community.
Staff members include:
Director Emily Wanjiku Mwangi
Teacher/Social Worker Eunice Ngina Mbuta
House Mother Joyce Wanjiru
House Father David Kinyanjui
Children’s Caretakers Salome Vaati Muthiani
Jane Wanjiku Mwaura
Groundsman Samson Mungai